Three things successful entrepreneurs do first thing in the morning

Success gurus Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic and Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post have some secrets about how they start their days. And we can get in on them. In his post, “Three things every entrepreneur should do at the start the of each day”, Jack Preston reveals these simple secrets to the outrageous success of some … More Three things successful entrepreneurs do first thing in the morning

Measuring Impact of Social Media on the Business

By Scott Hornstein The true power of social media is untapped. The surface is barely scratched. Why? Because we’re missing the point—social media, like every other medium, has got to sing for its supper. If it’s not making us money, why are we doing it? We have been treating social media as an anomaly, somehow … More Measuring Impact of Social Media on the Business

SEO Is Most Effective – But Really Hard to Do

In his post, “SEO Is Most Effective, But Very Hard to Do”, Jeff Ogden adds some great points to the Marketing Sherpa study on marketing effectiveness. I couldn’t agree more with him about the  importance of creating buyer personas first. It’s the marketing discipline of the ages: Ready, Aim, Fire. The success of SEO optimized content … More SEO Is Most Effective – But Really Hard to Do

The Critical Importance of Buyer Personas in B2B Marketing Today

Reblogged from Jeff Ogden, The Fearless Competitor. Most people do not produce enough content because they do not know how to create “engaging content”. Could be that they are internally editing or have pre-conceived (over corporatized) notions about what is effective/allowable. I start with the mantra – Educate or Entertain.. better yet.. Educate and Entertain. Perhaps … More The Critical Importance of Buyer Personas in B2B Marketing Today

Why online advertising will get easier for publishers (and why it won’t)

Originally posted on Gigaom:
The concept of selling digital ads is basic enough — offer up a piece of screen and invite brands to buy it. But for publishers, the ad tech industry can feel like a mix of quantum physics and witchcraft. Instead of simple transactions between publisher and buyer, digital ad sales rely…

Is Your CRM Failing?

Dear Mr. Valued Customer, we received your email and one of our customer service representatives will respond within 24-48 hours. This message is sent as an auto-reponse and cannot receive email.  Pleaes do not reply to this email. Again, we thank you for your business and appreciate your inquirey. How many things can you find wrong … More Is Your CRM Failing?

25% Healthcare Companies Fail in Social Media. Is Yours One of Them?

By Margo Wickersham Winter We have a conundrum. Healthcare companies are considering social media. They are recognizing the opportunities to connect with their customers through social media are great. But before marketing and social media consultants agree to create a social media program for these companies, we need to exhibit self-discipline.  Take a few minutes to … More 25% Healthcare Companies Fail in Social Media. Is Yours One of Them?